Tag Archives: Excellent

Being Excellent – A hard mantra to live up to

Before we had The Matrix we had Ted. Not that TED but this Ted.

Ted was striving to be excellent and this is the greatest mantra for anyone to have. Excellence comes in all flavours and allows for all opportunities. So ever since 1989 its been one of mine.

Yet the vast majority of people don’t recognize excellence, want it or even accept it could be part of their daily lives.

The problem with this mantra is that its constantly changing. What was excellent when Ted started out in 1989 is not now in 2012. The ‘special effects’ look less special and more amateur. I’m sure we could debate the acting skills or their lack of as well.

So excellence is about the time we live in. About our current ability and the ability to move the bar, one further notch up. Knowing we are doing our best and getting the best.

The major reason this is important for entrepreneurs is that we have to create opportunities, those are only valid at one point in time, the idea, execution and delivery of the business idea must all be created in a way which our stakeholders desire.

And of course they all require us to be excellent.

We should all have a commitment to be excellent to others in our society (que guitar riff), not just to expect it, but also to provide it.

Have an excellent weekend!