Tag Archives: entrepreneur

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

Introduction to Stage 6 – Success

Entrepreneurs at this stage have a number of options: capitalise on the company’s accomplishments, expand or, keep the company stable and profitable. The entrepreneur has a number of ways to capitalise, from exiting to taking a dividend from the business. If the entrepreneur wants to expand (Baum et al., 2001; Rae, 2012) then the core tasks are to make sure the basic organisation stays profitable so that it will not outrun its source of cash and, to develop managers to meet the needs of the growing organisation. Through the entrepreneurs leadership all managers within the business should now identify with the company’s future opportunities rather than its current condition demonstrating a success to its stakeholders. The entrepreneurs’ focal competency is operational and financial planning.

Success Stage Compendium

The success stage, also known as the “Take-off” or “Growth” stage in some models, is a critical phase in the lifecycle of a business. During this stage, a business has already established its position in the market and aims to expand further. The process of discovering a valid business idea continues even as the business grows. Here’s an exploration of this process in the success stage, substantiated by academic references and global examples.

  1. Market Expansion:
    • In the success stage, businesses look to expand their market reach. Companies like Airbnb and Uber exploited digital platforms to access global markets quickly (Gobble, 2018). Through market expansion, they validated the scalability of their business ideas.
  2. Product Diversification:
    • Diversification is often a sign of a successful business. Apple Inc., for instance, has continuously diversified its product range from computers to mobile devices, and now services like Apple Music and Apple TV+.
  3. Customer Feedback Loop:
    • Successful businesses establish a feedback loop with customers to iterate and improve their offerings. Amazon’s relentless focus on customer feedback is well-documented and has been a key factor in its continuous idea validation and business growth (Hallowell, 1996).
  4. Investment in Research and Development (R&D):
    • Investing in R&D is crucial for sustaining success. Companies like Samsung allocate a significant portion of their revenue to R&D to explore new business ideas and stay competitive (Lee, et al., 2019).
  5. Strategic Partnerships:
    • Forming strategic partnerships can validate and enhance a business idea. For example, Spotify’s partnerships with various record labels have been crucial for its success and continuous growth.
  6. Sustainability and Social Responsibility:
    • Businesses in the success stage often integrate sustainability and social responsibility as part of their business model. Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan is a prime example of how sustainability can be intertwined with business success (Whelan & Fink, 2016).
  7. Talent Acquisition and Retention:
    • Acquiring and retaining the right talent is essential for continuous growth and idea validation. Google’s emphasis on hiring the right people has been a cornerstone of its success.
  8. Technological Adoption and Innovation:
    • Embracing technological innovations is vital. Companies like Tesla continuously innovate by adopting the latest technologies, thereby validating and evolving their business ideas.
  9. Financial Management:
    • Sound financial management ensures that the business remains profitable and continues to grow. By achieving financial stability, businesses have more resources to explore and validate new ideas.
  10. Competitor Analysis:
    • Keeping a close eye on competitors and the market trends helps in discovering valid business ideas. Businesses can learn from the successes and failures of others.

Each of these aspects plays a significant role in the process of discovering and validating business ideas during the success stage of a business lifecycle. Through strategic actions in these areas, entrepreneurs can ensure that their businesses continue to grow and evolve in a sustainable and profitable manner.

Entrepreneur Tips

These five tips emphasize a balanced approach focusing on financial management, customer engagement, diversification, and strategic partnerships which are essential to navigating the success stage effectively. By adhering to these guidelines, entrepreneurs can continue to validate and refine their business ideas, ensuring sustained growth and success in this pivotal stage of the business lifecycle.

  1. Maintain Financial Discipline:
    • As your business grows, it’s crucial to maintain financial discipline to ensure sustainability. Monitor your cash flow, expenditures, and profitability to make well-informed financial decisions. Consider consulting with financial advisors to manage your finances effectively.
  2. Invest in Research and Development (R&D):
    • Continual investment in R&D can foster innovation and help in discovering new avenues for growth. It also aids in staying ahead of the competition and adapting to market changes. The insights gained from R&D can be invaluable in validating new business ideas and strategies.
  3. Cultivate a Customer-centric Culture:
    • Keeping a pulse on your customers’ needs and feedback is critical for ongoing success. Engage with your customers, seek their feedback, and strive to enhance their experience with your products or services. A customer-centric approach can lead to better product development and market understanding.
  4. Diversify Your Offerings:
    • Diversification can mitigate risks and open up new revenue streams. Consider exploring new markets, product lines, or services that align with your business’s core competencies. This diversification can also lead to the discovery of new, valid business ideas that can propel your business forward.
  5. Build Strategic Partnerships:
    • Forming strategic partnerships can provide access to new customers, technologies, and markets. Look for partnerships that complement your business and can lead to mutual growth. Through strategic collaborations, you can validate new business concepts and gain insights into emerging market trends.

Further Reading

View the original paper here, and the blogs in this series:

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 1 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 2 – Modeling

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 4 – Existence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 5 – Survival

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 9 – Exit

Are all good entrepreneurs famous?


Media attention is a crucial aspect for entrepreneurs aiming to amplify their impact and success. It serves as a catalyst for brand awareness, lending credibility and trust to their ventures. This visibility can attract investors, enhance recruitment, and solidify market positioning. Moreover, it offers a platform for crisis management, establishing thought leadership, and fostering networking opportunities. Engaging with media can also provide valuable customer feedback and a competitive edge in a saturated market. However, it’s a double-edged sword; while positive coverage can propel a business forward, negative attention can be detrimental, making media relations a critical component of entrepreneurial strategy.

Media Attention is Free Advertising

Media attention can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs for several reasons:

  1. Brand Awareness: Media coverage can significantly boost brand visibility. When an entrepreneur and their company are featured in the news, it can introduce their brand to a wider audience, potentially leading to increased customer interest and sales.
  2. Credibility and Trust: Positive media coverage can enhance an entrepreneur’s credibility. Being featured in reputable publications or news outlets can build trust with consumers, investors, and partners, as it often serves as an endorsement of the entrepreneur’s business acumen and the viability of their company.
  3. Investor Interest: Media attention can attract the interest of investors. Startups and growing businesses often require capital, and being featured in the media can put an entrepreneur’s business on the radar of venture capitalists, angel investors, and other potential financial backers.
  4. Recruitment: Talented individuals are drawn to companies that are recognized and respected. Media coverage can make a company more attractive to potential employees by highlighting its culture, achievements, and growth prospects.
  5. Market Positioning: Media attention can help an entrepreneur position their company within the market. By controlling the narrative and highlighting their unique selling propositions (USPs), entrepreneurs can differentiate their businesses from competitors.
  6. Crisis Management: In times of crisis, media attention can be a double-edged sword, but it also provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to address issues head-on, demonstrate transparency, and rebuild trust with their audience.
  7. Influence and Thought Leadership: Entrepreneurs who receive media attention can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This can lead to speaking engagements, book deals, and opportunities to influence industry trends and policies.
  8. Networking Opportunities: Media exposure can open doors to new partnerships, collaborations, and networking opportunities. Being featured in the media can put an entrepreneur in touch with other influential figures and potential business partners.
  9. Customer Feedback and Engagement: Media coverage can spark conversations among consumers and provide valuable feedback. Entrepreneurs can engage with their audience through these discussions, gaining insights into customer preferences and behaviors.
  10. Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace, media attention can give a company a competitive edge. It can help a business stand out and capture the attention of consumers who are bombarded with choices.

In summary, media attention can be a powerful asset for entrepreneurs. It can be used to drive growth, build brand equity, attract investment, and establish the entrepreneur as a leader in their field.

Famous Entrepreneurs Usage of the Media

Analyzing the ability of these ten famous entrepreneurs to gain media attention involves looking at various factors such as their public presence, the nature of their businesses, their personal charisma, and their engagement with social and global issues. Here’s a brief analysis of each:

  1. Elon Musk: Musk is a master at gaining media attention. His ventures like SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company are at the forefront of technological innovation, which naturally garners media interest. His active and often controversial presence on social media, especially Twitter, keeps him in the news. Musk’s ambitious projects, like colonizing Mars or developing a brain-computer interface, are also media magnets.
  2. Jeff Bezos: As the founder of Amazon, Bezos has transformed the retail industry, which keeps him in the media spotlight. His ownership of The Washington Post and his ventures into space with Blue Origin also attract significant media attention. Bezos is less controversial than Musk but still maintains a high media profile due to his wealth and influence.
  3. Sanjiv Bajaj: While not as globally recognized as some others on this list, Sanjiv Bajaj has made significant strides in the Indian financial sector with Bajaj Finserv. His media presence is more subdued but still significant within the Indian context, especially in business and finance circles.
  4. William Henry “Bill” Gates III: Bill Gates is a media mainstay not only because of his history with Microsoft but also due to his philanthropic efforts with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His commentary on global health, education, and climate change regularly attracts media attention.
  5. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg: As the face of Facebook (now Meta), Zuckerberg is frequently in the media spotlight. His platform’s impact on social interactions, politics, and data privacy keeps him relevant in media discussions. His pivot to focusing on the metaverse has also garnered significant attention.
  6. Nagavara Ramarao Narayana Murthy: As the founder of Infosys, Murthy is a respected figure in the Indian and global IT industry. His opinions on technology and entrepreneurship are often sought after by the media, though his presence is more understated compared to some of his peers.
  7. Lawrence Joseph “Larry” Ellison: Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle Corporation, has a flamboyant personality that, along with his business success, attracts media attention. His involvement in yachting, real estate, and aviation, as well as his outspoken opinions, keep him in the public eye.
  8. Michael Saul Dell: Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Technologies, has a significant but relatively low-key media presence. His insights on technology and business are respected, and while he may not seek the spotlight as actively as some others, he is a recognized figure in the media.
  9. Carlos Slim: As one of the richest individuals in the world, Carlos Slim garners media attention for his wealth and his extensive holdings in various sectors. His influence in Latin America, particularly in telecommunications, makes him a frequent subject of media coverage.
  10. Sergey Brin: As the co-founder of Google, Brin has had a substantial impact on the tech industry. While he maintains a lower media profile compared to his business partner, Larry Page, his work with Google and Alphabet keeps him in the media sphere.
  11. Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson: Branson is known for his charismatic and adventurous personality. His brand, Virgin Group, spans various industries, and his attempts at space tourism with Virgin Galactic make headlines. His knack for publicity stunts and his involvement in various social causes also ensure a steady stream of media attention.

In summary, all these entrepreneurs have a significant ability to gain media attention, though the extent and nature of their media presence vary. Some, like Musk and Branson, are known for their flamboyant personalities and public relations savvy, while others, like Bajaj and Murthy, have a more subdued presence. Their influence is felt in their respective industries and beyond, making them subjects of media interest for various reasons.

So the answer is Yes.

Is privatization entrepreneurial?


Privatization, the process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, or public service from the public sector (government) to the private sector (businesses or private individuals), has been subject to extensive academic debate and research. The relationship between privatization and entrepreneurship is particularly interesting and multifaceted, as it encompasses economic, social, and political dimensions.

Introduction to Privatization:

Privatization emerged as a prominent economic policy in the late 20th century, particularly under the influence of neoliberal economic theories and the political leadership of figures like Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US. The rationale behind privatization is rooted in classical and neoclassical economic theories that advocate for the efficiency of markets, the limitations of government intervention, and the belief that private ownership inherently leads to more efficient and effective management due to profit incentives.

Privatization and Entrepreneurship:

Let explore this complex relationship between privatization and entrepreneurship and the various angles in the academic literature. Some of the key themes include:

  1. Market Creation and Competition: Privatization often leads to the creation of new markets or the opening up of existing ones. This can stimulate entrepreneurship by providing new opportunities for business creation and innovation. The competitive pressures that result from privatization can also drive efficiency and customer-focused innovation, as noted in studies on telecommunications and airline industry privatizations.
  2. Resource Allocation: Economic theories suggest that private ownership leads to more optimal allocation of resources, as private entities are motivated by profit maximization and are subject to market discipline. This can create a more dynamic and responsive economic environment in which entrepreneurs can thrive, as they are better able to identify and exploit opportunities for innovation and value creation.
  3. Regulatory Environment: The success of privatization in fostering entrepreneurship often depends on the regulatory environment. Effective regulation is necessary to prevent monopolies, protect consumers, and ensure fair competition. The academic literature emphasizes the role of regulation in creating a level playing field for entrepreneurs and preventing the negative externalities of privatization.
  4. Access to Capital: Privatization can improve access to capital for entrepreneurs by creating more developed and efficient financial markets. This is particularly important for start-ups and small businesses that rely on external funding for growth and development. Studies have shown that privatization can lead to more vibrant capital markets, which are crucial for entrepreneurial activity.
  5. Social and Economic Inclusion: There is a growing body of literature examining the impact of privatization on social and economic inclusion. While privatization can create opportunities for entrepreneurship, it can also lead to disparities if not managed properly. Research has explored how privatization can be designed to promote inclusive growth and ensure that the benefits of entrepreneurship are widely shared.

In conclusion, while there is an academic consensus that privatization can stimulate entrepreneurship under the right conditions, there is also recognition of the challenges and complexities involved in ensuring that privatization leads to positive economic and social outcomes.

Privatization – Summarise of those since the 1970s in the UK

The de-nationalization of industries, commonly known as privatization, involves the transfer of ownership from the public sector (government) to the private sector (individuals and businesses). In the UK, the wave of privatizations since the 1970s has opened up numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. Here’s a summary of key industries that were privatized and the opportunities they presented:

  1. Telecommunications: The privatization of British Telecom (BT) in 1984 was one of the earliest and largest privatizations. This opened up the telecommunications sector to competition, allowing new companies to enter the market and innovate, particularly in mobile telephony and internet services.
  2. Aerospace and Defense: Companies like British Aerospace were privatized in the 1980s, leading to a more competitive and efficient industry. Entrepreneurs found opportunities in supplying parts, developing new technologies, and providing support services.
  3. Automobiles: The privatization of British Leyland, later known as the Rover Group, in the 1980s, though it faced many challenges, opened up the market for new entrants and increased competition in the automotive sector.
  4. Air Transport: The privatization of British Airways in 1987 led to a more competitive airline industry, with opportunities for new airlines to emerge, increased routes, and service options for consumers.
  5. Energy and Utilities: The 1980s and 1990s saw the privatization of gas (British Gas), electricity (Central Electricity Generating Board), and water services. This led to significant investment in infrastructure, the emergence of new energy companies, and the development of renewable energy technologies.
  6. Rail Transport: The privatization of British Rail in the 1990s led to the creation of various rail franchises and opportunities in rail services, maintenance, and manufacturing.
  7. Steel Industry: The privatization of British Steel in 1988 opened up the industry to significant restructuring and modernization, with opportunities in specialized steel products and related services.
  8. Financial Services: The ‘Big Bang’ deregulation of financial markets in 1986, though not privatization per se, had a similar effect by liberalizing the financial services industry. This led to a boom in financial entrepreneurship, with the emergence of new financial institutions, fintech companies, and services.
  9. Postal Services: The privatization of Royal Mail in 2013 opened up opportunities in logistics, parcel delivery, and e-commerce-related services.
  10. Public Housing: The ‘Right to Buy’ scheme, introduced in the 1980s, allowed council housing tenants to purchase their homes at a discount. This led to opportunities in the housing market, property development, and related services.

These privatizations have often been accompanied by regulatory reforms intended to foster competition, protect consumers, and encourage investment. While privatization has its critics, particularly concerning issues of equity and service quality, it has undeniably reshaped the UK’s economic landscape and created a multitude of opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses across various sectors.

From an Entrepreneurship Perspective

The privatization of various industries in the UK since the 1970s has created a wide array of entrepreneurial opportunities. For each of these industries, I have looked at how entrepreneurs have capitalized on these opportunities and secondly, what are the future opportunities.

  1. Telecommunications:
    • Entrepreneurs seized the chance to establish new telecom companies, offer mobile and internet services, develop telecommunications equipment, and provide value-added services like VoIP and data analytics.
    • With the rollout of 5G and the increasing demand for high-speed internet, there are still opportunities in network infrastructure, IoT (Internet of Things) services, and cybersecurity. Additionally, the rise of remote work and virtual reality applications presents new markets to explore.
  2. Aerospace and Defense:
    • Opportunities arose in the supply chain for components, specialized software, maintenance services, and private defense contracting. Startups also found niches in developing innovative technologies like drones and private space exploration.
    • The current growing interest in space exploration and satellite technology offers opportunities for startups. Additionally, there’s a demand for innovative solutions in drone technology, cybersecurity, and defense-related AI applications.
  3. Automobiles:
    • The opening of the market allowed for new car manufacturers to emerge. Additionally, there were opportunities in the aftermarket for parts, accessories, and specialized repair services. Entrepreneurs also ventured into automotive technology, including electric vehicle (EV) development and autonomous driving systems.
    • The recent shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving technology presents significant opportunities. Entrepreneurs can venture into EV charging infrastructure, battery technology, and software development for autonomous systems.
  4. Air Transport:
    • The privatization of British Airways spurred competition, leading to the establishment of new airlines, particularly in the low-cost sector. There were also opportunities in ancillary services like in-flight catering, ground handling, and travel booking platforms.
    • The aviation industry is focusing on sustainability, creating opportunities in alternative fuels, energy-efficient aircraft design, and carbon offset services. Additionally, there’s a growing market for private and urban air mobility solutions.
  5. Energy and Utilities:
    • Entrepreneurs entered the energy market as suppliers and brokers. The renewable energy sector saw a surge in startups focusing on solar, wind, and other sustainable technologies. In utilities, there were opportunities in water management solutions, smart grid technologies, and energy efficiency services.
    • The ongoing transition to renewable energy sources continues to offer opportunities in solar, wind, and other sustainable technologies. Entrepreneurs can also explore energy storage solutions, smart grid technology, and services that promote energy efficiency.
  6. Rail Transport:
    • The fragmentation of British Rail created opportunities in train operations, rail infrastructure maintenance, ticketing systems, and customer service innovations. Startups also emerged focusing on rail technology and safety systems.
    • Innovations in high-speed rail, maglev trains, and urban transit systems present opportunities. There’s also a growing interest in sustainable and smart infrastructure solutions.
  7. Steel Industry:
    • Entrepreneurs found niches in specialized steel products, metal fabrication, and recycling. There was also a demand for innovative solutions in steel production efficiency and environmental sustainability.
    • Opportunities exist for developing more sustainable production methods, recycling technologies, and advanced materials like lightweight alloys and composites.
  8. Financial Services:
    • The deregulation led to a boom in financial entrepreneurship, with the emergence of new banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and particularly fintech startups offering digital banking, payment processing, and financial planning services.
    • The fintech sector continues to grow, with opportunities in blockchain, digital currencies, robo-advisors, and financial inclusion services. Insurtech and regtech are also emerging fields within this sector.
  9. Postal Services:
    • The privatization of Royal Mail opened up the logistics and parcel delivery market. Entrepreneurs capitalized on the e-commerce boom by offering courier services, supply chain solutions, and e-commerce integration services.
    • The continued growth of e-commerce drives demand for efficient logistics, last-mile delivery solutions, and supply chain management technologies. Innovations in drone delivery and autonomous vehicles are also areas of interest.
  10. Public Housing:
    • The ‘Right to Buy’ scheme led to opportunities in property development, real estate services, home improvement, and construction. Entrepreneurs also ventured into property management and affordable housing solutions.
    • There’s a growing need for affordable housing solutions, sustainable construction technologies, and smart home systems. Additionally, the real estate sector is ripe for digital transformation, offering opportunities in proptech (property technology).

In each of these sectors, privatization often led to a more dynamic market environment, encouraging innovation, efficiency, and customer-focused services. Entrepreneurs who could identify gaps in the market, leverage new technologies, and adapt to changing consumer needs were able to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the de-nationalization of industries in the UK.

The success of privatization?

When evaluating the success of privatization, its easy to understand the financial rewards but if there is entrepreneurial opportunities, then this financial reward will be seen in the wider population. So from a social perspective, it’s crucial to consider its impact on the poorest segments of society. Here are some examples where privatization has had a positive impact on the poorest people:

  1. Telecommunications in India: The liberalization and privatization of the telecommunications sector in India during the 1990s led to a telecom revolution in the country. It significantly reduced the cost of mobile phones and services, making them accessible to millions of low-income individuals. This democratization of communication has had profound social and economic impacts, including improved access to information, financial inclusion, and new economic opportunities.
  2. Water Services in Chile: Chile’s privatization of urban water services in the 1990s is often cited as a success story. It led to significant investments in infrastructure, resulting in nearly universal access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation. This had a direct positive impact on the health and well-being of the poorest communities.
  3. Banking in Brazil: The privatization of banks in Brazil in the late 1990s and early 2000s led to a more efficient and competitive banking sector. It also facilitated the expansion of microfinance institutions, which have played a crucial role in providing financial services to the poor, enabling them to start small businesses and improve their economic status.
  4. Electricity in Ghana: The privatization of electricity distribution in Ghana in the late 1990s led to improved efficiency and expanded access to electricity. Rural electrification projects, often a result of private investment, have had a significant impact on the poorest communities by providing them with access to electricity, which is essential for education, health, and economic activities.
  5. Housing in the UK: The ‘Right to Buy’ scheme, introduced in the 1980s, allowed millions of low-income tenants in public housing to purchase their homes at a discount. This enabled many poor families to build equity and improve their financial security.
  6. Agriculture in Vietnam: The de-collectivization and privatization of agriculture in Vietnam in the 1980s, known as the Đổi Mới reforms, transformed the country from a net importer to a major exporter of rice. This shift significantly improved the livelihoods of the rural poor, who make up a large portion of Vietnam’s population.

These examples illustrate that privatization, when accompanied by appropriate regulatory frameworks and social safety nets, can lead to improvements in the lives of the poorest individuals. It can provide them with better services, more entrepreneurial opportunities, and increased access to essential resources.

7 personality traits of a successful entrepreneur


Entrepreneurship, often hailed as the backbone of innovation and economic growth, requires a unique blend of personality traits. While the entrepreneurial journey varies for each individual, there are certain characteristics that consistently emerge as essential for success. These traits don’t just define the capability to launch a business but also to navigate the unpredictable waters of the entrepreneurial sea, adapting to failures and capitalizing on opportunities.

From the unwavering determination of Colonel Harland Sanders, who faced over a thousand rejections, to the visionary prowess of Elon Musk, the stories of renowned entrepreneurs serve as a testament to these qualities. While it’s tempting to attribute entrepreneurial successes to market conditions or groundbreaking ideas alone, it’s often the individual’s character that plays a pivotal role.

In examining the journeys of some of the world’s most iconic business figures, we can identify seven indispensable personality traits that budding entrepreneurs should cultivate.

The 7 successful entrepreneur personality traits

  1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going in the face of adversity.
    • Example: Howard Schultz of Starbucks encountered numerous bank rejections before finally securing funding.
    • Reference: Schultz, H. (1997). Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time. Hyperion.
  2. Adaptability: The skill to pivot and change direction based on market feedback or new insights.
    • Example: Reed Hastings’ Netflix transitioned from a DVD-by-mail service to streaming, revolutionizing entertainment.
    • Reference: Keating, G. (2012). Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America’s Eyeballs. Portfolio.
  3. Vision: A forward-thinking perspective, seeing beyond the present and anticipating future trends.
    • Example: Elon Musk’s ventures, such as Tesla and SpaceX, stem from his forward-looking perspective on energy and space.
    • Reference: Vance, A. (2015). Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Ecco.
  4. Determination: Unyielding commitment to one’s goals, even when faced with obstacles.
    • Example: Colonel Harland Sanders pitched his chicken recipe over 1,000 times before it was accepted.
    • Reference: Ozersky, J. (2012). Colonel Sanders and the American Dream. University of Texas Press.
  5. Risk-Management: Courage to take calculated leaps, even when the outcome is uncertain.
    • Example: Richard Branson’s diverse ventures, from airlines to space travel, epitomize his risk-taking spirit.
    • Reference: Branson, R. (1998). Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way. Crown Business.
  6. Perseverance: Consistency in efforts, undeterred by failures or slow progress.
    • Example: Thomas Edison’s countless experiments before perfecting the light bulb highlight his perseverance.
    • Reference: Baldwin, N. (2001). Edison: Inventing the Century. University of Chicago Press.
  7. Networking Ability: The talent to connect, collaborate, and build meaningful relationships in the business ecosystem.
    • Example: Oprah Winfrey’s vast network of influencers and experts across fields showcases her networking acumen.
    • Reference: Kelley, K. (2010). Oprah: A Biography. Crown Archetype.


Entrepreneurs often exhibit a set of distinctive personality traits that greatly contribute to their success. These traits — resilience, adaptability, vision, determination, risk-taking, perseverance, and networking ability — serve as foundational pillars in the realm of business. Resilience ensures they bounce back from failures, while adaptability allows them to navigate the ever-evolving market dynamics. Possessing vision equips them with a roadmap for the future, whereas determination ensures they remain focused on their goals. Risk-management emboldens them to explore uncharted territories, perseverance ensures tenacity during challenges, and networking ability helps in building strategic relationships.

These traits, when harnessed effectively, not only lead to prosperous careers and thriving businesses but also positively influence personal aspects of life. For instance, resilience can teach family members the value of perseverance; adaptability can promote a flexible mindset in the face of life’s uncertainties; and determination can inspire loved ones to pursue their passions with unwavering commitment. In essence, these entrepreneurial traits not only chart the course for business success but also foster an environment of growth, adaptability, and resilience in personal life, cultivating stronger family bonds and life satisfaction.

Brexit was to reduce Red Tape for Entrepreneurs

An Entrepreneurs viewpoint

In the dynamic landscape of global economics, fostering entrepreneurship is paramount for nations aspiring to bolster economic development and innovation. The UK GDP has grown on average below 2% each year since 2000, in the same time population has grown 15%.

Entrepreneurship acts as a catalyst for job creation, market competition, and community revitalization, playing a pivotal role in propelling a country towards prosperity and self-sufficiency.

Recognizing the multifaceted benefits entrepreneurs bring to the table, governments worldwide should be considering a diverse array of policy changes designed to nurture and support the entrepreneurial spirit. These policy changes span various dimensions, including access to capital, education, regulatory environments, and societal well-being, addressing the myriad challenges entrepreneurs face in their journey.

This blog proposes a suite of 30 policy changes that encapsulate a holistic approach to building an entrepreneurial nation. It aims not only to stimulate business formation and growth but also to build a resilient and inclusive ecosystem where diverse voices are heard and innovation thrives. The policies range from tangible financial incentives such as tax reliefs and research grants to fostering softer elements like networking, mentorship, and diversity. Moreover, they seek to mitigate risks associated with entrepreneurship through enhanced bankruptcy laws, crisis management training, and cybersecurity support, thereby creating a secure and conducive environment for business ventures.

The inclusion of sustainable business incentives, rural development programs, and initiatives promoting social entrepreneurship underlines the growing importance of balancing economic growth with social responsibility and environmental stewardship. Equally crucial are policies focusing on improving digital literacy, technology infrastructure, and market access, reflecting the evolving nature of entrepreneurship in the digital age.

This comprehensive set of policy changes is not without its challenges and downsides, requiring meticulous evaluation and balanced implementation. Nonetheless, it represents a visionary step towards molding a nation that celebrates innovation, embraces diversity, and continually strives for sustainable economic development through entrepreneurship.

30 Policies which benefit Entrepreneurship

  1. Access to Capital:
    • Benefits: It enables entrepreneurs to secure necessary funds, fostering business growth and innovation.
  2. Education and Training:
    • Benefits: It develops skilled entrepreneurs, fostering sustainability and innovation in business.
  3. Reduction in Red Tape:
    • Benefits: Streamlines business procedures, reducing time and cost of starting and operating businesses.
  4. Tax Incentives:
    • Benefits: Provides financial relief, enhances business viability, and encourages investment.
  5. Market Access and Trade:
    • Benefits: It expands business reach and scale, promoting international cooperation and competitiveness.
  6. Internet and Technology Infrastructure:
    • Benefits: Facilitates access to essential technology, boosting competitiveness and innovation.
  7. Intellectual Property Protection:
    • Benefits: Safeguards innovations by incentivizing research and development.
  8. Labor Laws:
    • Benefits: Fosters a flexible, skilled workforce, aiding in business growth and adaptability.
  9. Commercial Property Incentives:
    • Benefits: It reduces overhead costs, making it easier to start and maintain businesses.
  10. Enhanced Bankruptcy Laws:
  • Benefits: Encourages entrepreneurial risk-taking by reducing penalties associated with failure.
  1. Support for Research and Development:
  • Benefits: Drives innovation and technological advancement, creating a competitive edge.
  1. Networking and Mentorship Programs:
  • Benefits: Facilitates knowledge sharing and community building, fostering business development.
  1. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives:
  • Benefits: It supports underrepresented groups, promoting a diverse and inclusive business environment.
  1. Sustainable Business Incentives:
  • Benefits: Encourages environmental responsibility, contributing to long-term societal well-being.
  1. Rural Development Programs:
  • Benefits: It supports entrepreneurship in underserved areas, promoting regional economic growth.
  1. Export Assistance:
  • Benefits: Facilitates international trade, expanding market reach and revenue potential.
  1. Healthcare Support:
  • Benefits: Provides health security, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on business development.
  1. Childcare Support:
  • Benefits: Supports work-life balance, particularly aiding female entrepreneurs in business pursuits.
  1. Legal Assistance:
  • Benefits: Aids navigation through legal complexities, reducing risk and fostering compliance.
  1. Affordable Housing Initiatives:
  • Benefits: It ensures housing security, allowing entrepreneurs to invest more in their ventures.
  1. Public Procurement Opportunities:
  • Benefits: Offers consistent revenue streams through contracts with public agencies.
  1. Digital Literacy Training:
  • Benefits: Enhances the ability to leverage digital tools, increasing business efficiency and reach.
  1. Innovation Competitions and Awards:
  • Benefits: Recognizes and supports innovative ideas, providing funding and publicity.
  1. Transportation Infrastructure:
  • Benefits: Improves logistics and access to markets, reducing operational costs.
  1. Cybersecurity Support:
  • Benefits: It protects business assets, reducing the risk of financial and data loss.
  1. Access to Markets and Distribution Channels:
  • Benefits: Facilitates partnerships, opening up new avenues for sales and growth.
  1. Customer Education and Engagement:
  • Benefits: Builds consumer loyalty and brand awareness, enhancing market position.
  1. Immigration Policies:
  • Benefits: It attracts international talent, enhancing diversity and skill in the workforce.
  1. Crisis Management Training and Support:
  • Benefits: It prepares businesses for unforeseen events, promoting resilience and continuity.
  1. Incentives for Social Entrepreneurship:
  • Benefits: Supports solutions to social issues, fostering societal well-being and responsible business practices.