Tag Archives: Enterprise

Brewing Success: Business Idea, Model Development, and MVP Testing in a Coffee Shop Venture

The process of starting a business is intricate, involving various stages from conceiving an idea to launching a viable product in the market. This blog post outlines this critical process of ideation, business model development, and market testing, using the example of setting up a coffee shop.

Stage 1: Conceiving a Business Idea

Every business journey begins with an idea, the seed that has the potential to grow into a fully-fledged, successful venture. Often, the most successful business ideas emerge from identifying a problem and then creating a solution for it.

Let’s consider the idea of setting up a coffee shop. The idea could have been sparked by a lack of quality coffee places in your area, your passion for coffee, or the desire to create a cozy place for people to meet.

When ideating, it is essential to consider market trends, personal interest, and industry knowledge. Research might involve reviewing industry reports, talking to local coffee drinkers, or analyzing the competition. A good coffee shop idea should offer something distinctive, whether it’s the finest quality beans, exceptional customer service, or a unique ambiance.

Feasibility is another crucial factor. You should ask: Can I realistically open this coffee shop with my current resources and skills? Is there a sufficient customer base in my area?

Stage 2: Developing a Business Model

Once you have your coffee shop idea, the next step is to develop a business model around it. This model provides a blueprint for how your business will create, deliver, and capture value.

A tool like the Business Model Canvas is helpful to map out key components of your model. The value proposition of your coffee shop could be freshly roasted, organic coffee beans sourced directly from farmers, thus offering exceptional taste and promoting fair trade.

Identify your target customers (for example, local residents, office workers, students), and plan how you will reach these customers, such as through social media marketing, local advertising, or word-of-mouth.

Your cost structure might include expenses like rent, utilities, salaries, and cost of goods sold (like coffee beans, milk, and pastries). Revenue streams will primarily come from selling coffee and other items, but you could also consider other income sources such as selling merchandise or hosting events.

Stage 3: Testing the Market using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

After you’ve established your business model, it’s time to test your idea in the market. In the context of a coffee shop, an MVP could be a pop-up stand or a small kiosk in a high foot-traffic area where you can start selling your coffee and get initial customer feedback.

This MVP stage allows you to validate your coffee shop idea before investing significant resources into full-scale shop development. It provides an opportunity to test your product on real customers, gather feedback, and refine the product accordingly.

During the MVP testing phase, your key metrics could be daily sales, customer reviews, and repeat customer rate. This feedback loop should continue until you reach a point where you’re confident your full-scale coffee shop will be well-received by a wider audience.


Coming up with a business idea, developing a business model, and testing the market using an MVP are integral stages in any successful business journey, even for a coffee shop. While the process can seem daunting, each step provides an invaluable learning experience, equipping you with insights and confidence to launch a product that resonates with the market, ultimately paving the way for a successful and sustainable business.

here’s a list of resources that can help you with these tasks, ranging from idea generation and business model development to MVP testing:

Business Idea Generation

  1. Google Trends: Use Google Trends to identify trending topics and potential business opportunities.
  2. Entrepreneur: Offers a guide on how to come up with a business idea.

Developing a Business Model

3. Business Model Canvas: This tool can help you visualise your business model and understand how each component interacts with the others.

  1. Entrepreneur: A guide to creating a solid business model.

Market Research

5. Pew Research Center: Pew provides a variety of research and data on various sectors that can help with market research.

  1. U.S. Small Business Administration: Offers resources for market research and competitive analysis.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development

7. Lean Startup: Outlines the Lean Startup principles, which is a methodology that involves creating and testing MVPs.

  1. Product Hunt: A platform where you can launch your MVP and get feedback from a community of tech-savvy early adopters.

Market Testing

9. SurveyMonkey: Allows you to create surveys for market research and customer feedback.

  1. Google Analytics: Use Google Analytics to measure website traffic and understand user behaviour, which is especially helpful for businesses with an online component.

These resources will provide you with a solid starting point on your journey to start a business, providing crucial insights and tools to help you succeed.

The Power of Entrepreneurship Education: A Deep Dive into University Interventions

The entrepreneurial spirit is a driving force behind innovation, economic growth, and job creation. It’s a spirit that can be nurtured and developed, and universities are uniquely positioned to do so. A recent study published by colleagues in Journal of Entrepreneurship Education explores how entrepreneurial interventions in a university context can impact the entrepreneurial intentions of students. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and university administrators seeking to foster entrepreneurship.

The study, conducted collaboratively by researchers from Chinese and UK universities, surveyed 679 undergraduate students. The researchers used the integrated model of entrepreneurial intentions as the theoretical framework for their approach. The model suggests that a person’s attitudes, beliefs, upbringing, values, and their awareness of the ease or difficulty of executing entrepreneurial behaviour will all inform whether they are attracted to act entrepreneurially in a given context, and this will affect their intention to do so.

The study’s initial findings highlight the perceived need for a range of entrepreneurship interventions, with business training programmes being the highest priority, followed by mentoring, specialist business advice, low-cost finance, business networking events, and enterprise clubs. Interestingly, the study also found that those with different Intention Horizons request a different portfolio of interventions.

The concept of Intention Horizons is a key contribution of this study. The researchers propose four distinct Intention Horizons: No Intention, Intention Now, Short-term Intention (in six months’ time), and Long-term Intention (two years or more). This increased granularity provides deeper insights into the ways in which interventions affect intention over time.

The study’s findings suggest a previously under-articulated relationship between the nascent entrepreneur’s Intention Horizon, university interventions, and entrepreneurial action. For instance, those with a longer-term view of entrepreneurship are open to more interventions. This is particularly true for business training programmes, which were selected by 67% of those with long-term entrepreneurial intentions.

Mentoring was the second most popular intervention, selected by 62% of all students. Those with a long-term ambition had the highest selection of this intervention (53%), followed by those with short-term ambition (43%). Specialist business advice was the third most popular intervention, selected by 58% of all students.

Low-cost finance was selected by 41% of those with long-term ambitions and 40% of those with Intention Now, indicating that it may have a higher demand for current nascent entrepreneurs. Business networking events were selected by 41% of all students, with those with Intention Now and those with no intention having the same percentage (20%), indicating this intervention has a wider benefit than just for those looking to start a business.

The study provides an evidence-based approach to entrepreneurship education design and the development of interventions to support a range of students with and without entrepreneurial intention. It further develops the narrative around both contextualisation, the previous experience of the students, and the range and importance of these interventions to support the creation of a new venture.

In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of entrepreneurship education in universities. It shows that tailored interventions can significantly impact the entrepreneurial intentions of students, thereby fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. Universities, therefore, have a crucial role to play in nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs. By understanding the specific needs and intentions of their students, they can provide targeted support and resources to help them on their entrepreneurial journey.

The study also highlights the need for further research in this area, particularly in understanding the complex relationship between the nascent entrepreneur’s Intention Horizon, university interventions, and entrepreneurial action. Such research will contribute to the ongoing development of effective entrepreneurship education programs and interventions.


Bozward, D., Rogers-Draycott, M.C., Angba, C., Zhang, C.,  Ma, H., An, F., Topolansky, T., Sabia, L., Bell, R., Beaumont, E., (2023) How can entrepreneurial interventions in a university context impact the entrepreneurial intention of their students?, Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 6, 1–23 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41959-022-00083-x 

Unleashing the Power of AI: How It Empowers Startup Founders in Finding the Perfect Business Model


For aspiring entrepreneurs, embarking on the journey of starting a business is both thrilling and daunting. A key challenge lies in identifying the right business model that aligns with market demands and sets the venture on a path to success. Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as an invaluable ally in this pursuit. Leveraging AI-driven insights and advanced analytics, startup founders can navigate the complex landscape of business models, leading to informed decisions and increased chances of sustainable growth. In this blog, we will explore how AI supports startup founders in discovering the ideal business model for their ventures.

1. Market Analysis and Research

AI-enabled tools can efficiently analyze vast amounts of market data, industry trends, and consumer behavior. By examining competitor strategies and customer preferences, startup founders gain comprehensive insights that influence their business model selection. Armed with accurate data, they can identify market gaps and opportunities, ensuring the chosen model addresses unmet needs. This data-driven approach minimizes risks associated with assumptions and increases the likelihood of market fit. (Reference: [1])

2. Predictive Analytics for Business Projections

AI employs predictive analytics to anticipate market changes, customer demands, and industry shifts. Startup founders can utilize this information to project how different business models may perform in the future. By simulating scenarios, AI can help identify potential challenges and optimize strategies for long-term sustainability. Additionally, predictive analytics assists in identifying revenue streams, pricing strategies, and customer acquisition models that align with the startup’s vision. (Reference: [2])

3. Personalization and Customer-Centric Models

AI’s ability to analyze customer data enables the creation of customer-centric business models. By understanding individual preferences, purchase history, and behavior, startups can offer personalized products or services, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. AI-driven recommendations and tailored experiences create a competitive advantage, leading to increased customer retention and word-of-mouth referrals. (Reference: [3])

4. Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

AI-powered rapid prototyping tools streamline the process of testing various business models. By generating and evaluating multiple scenarios, startup founders can identify potential flaws and opportunities for improvement early on. This iterative approach saves time, resources, and effort, allowing founders to fine-tune their business models for optimal efficiency. (Reference: [4])

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

The incorporation of AI in decision-making processes ensures that choices are based on data-driven insights rather than intuition alone. Startup founders can utilize AI to test hypotheses and validate assumptions, ensuring that the chosen business model is backed by evidence and analysis. This reduces the risk of biased decision-making and increases the startup’s chances of success. (Reference: [5])

6. Competitive Intelligence and Benchmarking

AI-driven competitive intelligence tools enable startup founders to benchmark their business models against industry leaders and successful competitors. By understanding what works for others, founders can fine-tune their models and identify unique value propositions that differentiate their startups in the market. (Reference: [6])


In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, choosing the right business model is a critical step that can determine a startup’s success. Thanks to AI’s transformative capabilities, founders can harness the power of data-driven insights, predictive analytics, and personalized experiences to craft a business model that resonates with the target audience and ensures long-term viability. By embracing AI as a partner in decision-making, startup founders can confidently navigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship and create a solid foundation for their ventures to thrive.


[1] “How AI is Revolutionizing Market Research,” Forbes.

[2] “The Role of Predictive Analytics in Business Planning,” Harvard Business Review.

[3] “The Power of Personalization in Business Models,” McKinsey & Company.

[4] “The Impact of Rapid Prototyping on Startup Success,” TechCrunch.

[5] “Data-Driven Decision Making: The AI Advantage,” Entrepreneur.

[6] “Competitive Intelligence and AI-Driven Benchmarking,” Deloitte.

The process of discovering an idea and making it an opportunity

I have had many business ideas over the years and the vast majority of them I have not acted upon, for various reasons. Sometimes it’s time, money or the fact I don’t have the core skills or resources to make this work. In this blog we are exploring this cognitive process which everyone undertakes to investigate the opportunity. The aim is to support you in using this best practice when discovering a business opportunity.

The process of discovering a business idea is a varied and complex one and may occur over several years or during a split second. However, we can summarise some of the key mechanisms which occur during this mental process. An idea is just that and needs to be added to and then validated to make an opportunity.

The nascent entrepreneur enters the process with three sets of characteristics which can be split into Sociological factors, Demographic factors and Psychological factors. The Demographic factors are Age, Gender, Education level, Marital Status, Occupation, Population Growth, and Migration. These Sociological factors are Religion, Family, Network, Income & Wealth , Transport, Social Mobility, and Household Composition. The Psychological factors are Need for achievement, Need for autonomy, Internal Locus of control, Risk-taking propensity, Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy, Creative & innovative, and Motivational.

These characteristics form the basis from which the nascent entrepreneur sees, finds and more importantly validates the business idea and the potential opportunity. This prior knowledge and competency in entrepreneurship sets the nascent entrepreneurs on the path. The trigger for this to occur varies, from long term intention to a point in time when either the need or the opportunity presents itself. The entrepreneur will bring forth a range of capitals which will be used to resource the venture these we term the Startup Entrepreneur Capitals. These can be brought down to Financial, Intellectual, Experiential (Human), Social, Cultural, Spiritual, and Material. These set what resources could be used in the first instances to start the business. After the business is started you can find new resources.

Once the basis for the idea is found, the next stage is to analyse if it is exploitable? On a cognitive level, the nascent entrepreneur needs to understand the probability of success based on the personal investment available of resources to facilitate enough time to get the venture to profit. Then we need to understand will the venture be profitable enough to compensate for their opportunity costs.

Once the nascent entrepreneur has validated an opportunity for them, they then need to scope it to understand the trajectory of the business and the potential scale. The required scale of a business is dependent on the industry and market and the ability of the team to manage it.

The business then requires to be designed by the nascent entrepreneur. However, with no or little experience in designing a business, they need to connect the opportunity with their vision, the businesses mission and set the strategy and objectives to meet.

Once they have thought this out they can start modelling the business, through tools like the business model canvas and potentially developing a business plan.

Top 10 Enterprise Movies of All TIme

During the Christmas holiday I got asked to name my top ten films and as always its hard to bring it down to just ten, but then I thought about what have these movies teaches me about business or enterprise.

So here goes…

Stardust (2007)

“having a dream, passion and a little determination is all you need”

Our hero needs to track down a fallen star, living in a small village in Kent, he heads over the local boundary wall only to find its a magically world. Its a great movie and Robert De Niro plays a cross dressing captain is just a surreal part.

Its the story of EVERY entrepreneur I have ever meet, they have a dream, some passion and didn’t really know what the end game would be, but they were determined to see it through. We celebrate those that succeed but we should encourage everyone to have a go, as these people create wealth, innovation and more importantly experience.

Godfather (1972+)

“Pivoting an established business is extremely hard, so do it early on”

Michael tries to change the business activities of his family business and even with all his wealth and influence he fails.

I have seen this so many times in my career. Motorola was the greatest mobile phone manufacturer in the world, developing first generation phones (1G) and then Nokia started developing 2G phones and Motorola never really got into the digital game. Then Samsung took the 3G market with bigger screens and apps and Apple is the current power house with 4G phones. This is not even a pivot its an upgrade to me and you, but these businesses can not do it, so learn early on in your business and get it right. It may be your only chance.

Star Wars (1977+)

“The small business has more opportunities than the larger “death star” businesses, however its in the execution”

Lean methodology is key to setting off but for today’s business small is best. Think of Arm or Superdry which are amazing companies who outsource or create business models which mean they don’t employ thousands of people installed in the “death star”. Get yourself an Millennium Falcon and just keep the hyper drive working.

Apocalypse now (1979)

“Know your enemy better than yourself”

I just love this movie, its about a journey that we all take, a physical and mental one. Each journey changes us and that change is inconceivable at the start.

The best line in the movie being “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” which alway reminds me on the business mantra “Eat a toad every morning”. This is a Mark Twain saying and aims to get you doing the worst job first every day, then the day can only get better.

This analysis of your enemy and then eventual destruction of them is a very common business theme, however the real message is that by learning their strengths and especially their weaknesses we can become better entrepreneurs. Its sometimes hard to learn other people’s weaknesses but certainly we should identify our own and seek the support they need.

Avanti (1972)

“In every business there is value”

Jack Lemmon did some great films, such as “Some like it hot” but this one is my favourite, bit of a romcom set in Italy. The comedy is just excellent and the settings are just breath taking. The story line is that Jack Lemmon must go to the Italian island of Ischia to claim the body of his millionaire father, only to find his father took more than the local spa each day.

It really shows how cultures clash and that different business methods may seem odd or just outdated, yet just taking the time to understand the culture and the business methods allows you to then extract the true value. We are very keen to adopt new technology and business methods without understanding the processes and methods which have worked for thousands of years.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

“Sometimes you need someone else to help you”

Everyone should spend time with hitmen who have a penchant for philosophical discussions, especially around the foody topic of Hamburgers. However when they get into trouble its Mr Wolf they turn to.

Every entrepreneur should have Mr Wolf, “I solve problems” who they can call on. This may be a mentor, a consultant or advisor who can come in and just sort out the issue. Everyone has a skills gap in one area, a thing that bugs them or they just can’t get their head around. You have to have one of these “Mr Wolf” people who can come in and solve it. Your’ll never look back.

Hairspray (2007)

“You don’t have to ever grow your business”

Everyone loves a musical, a man playing a dame and a dance off. Its the secret ingredient for a great movie. Mr Wilbur Turnblad has been running his joke shop for a lifetime and yet he is still enjoying every day of it. Making it bigger will take the real fun out of it and also create a set of issues which he doesn’t want to present to his family. So small is beautiful in this case for him.

The incredibles (2004)

“Family businesses are stronger”

Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl never worked together as superheroes until they have to protect the family. Each family has a different super power which enhances the whole team to beat off Syndrome. This is true for every team, everyone have something to offer, sometimes mundane is the most important skill to have. (e.g a good cup of tea when sailing in a force 10 gale is just awesome)

The best quote from the movie is “Everyone can be super. And when everyone’s super, no one will be.” which shows we need everyone to be different otherwise we have nothing special.

Avatar (2009)

“Go in prepared”

You can have the best trained soldiers, biggest guns and latest technology and you still may lose the fight. Sometimes its more about the hearts and minds which win the battle, so you need to prepare these to fulfil your goal. Just don’t forget it.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)


This movie shows you can create a business which is solely focused on sales and there are still a large number of these around, the modern day call centre is an example. However the loyalty you get from looking after you staff is a major mantra for this movie.

The number one thing you have to do in a business is sell, no matter what business it is, a Charity, Religion, Social Enterprise or PLC. You have to get people to part with their cash on a regular basis to ensure you are solvent.

Also it shows that the name of your business is everything “Stratton Oakmont”. These people travelled across on the Mayflower and thus can be trusted.

Hopefully you have enjoyed hearing my top 10 enterprise movies.