Category Archives: Enterprise Education

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

Introduction to Stage 8 – Independence

A business at this stage should now have the advantages of size, financial resources, market share and managerial talent. Innovation and Intrapreneurship (Baran & Veličkaitė, 2008) are now key factors in keeping the business in market position. The organisation has the staff and financial resources to engage in detailed operational and strategic planning. The management is decentralised, adequately staffed, and experienced. Business systems are extensive and well developed. The entrepreneur and the business are quite separate, both financially and operationally. However, the entrepreneur should have the mental ability to coordinate multiple activities for the business to either maintain or grow.

Independence Stage Compendium

The Independence Stage of a business life cycle represents a period of established stability and self-sustaining operations. This phase is often characterized by a noticeable separation between the entrepreneur and the business entity, both financially and operationally. A company in this stage has typically matured to a point where it holds a significant market share, possesses substantial financial resources, and has a well-rounded and experienced managerial team in place. These elements provide the business with a foundation to operate independently of the entrepreneur’s day-to-day involvement.

One of the primary features of this stage is the emphasis on innovation and intrapreneurship, as suggested by Baran & Veličkaitė (2008). At this juncture, the organization has the necessary resources and talent to not only sustain its current market position but also explore new avenues for growth and competitiveness. Intrapreneurship, which entails fostering an entrepreneurial spirit within the organization, becomes a critical factor. It drives innovation by encouraging employees to develop and pitch new ideas, which can lead to the development of new products, services, or processes that can provide a competitive edge in the market.

Operational and strategic planning take a more structured and detailed form in this stage, facilitated by the availability of substantial financial resources and a competent staff. These plans aim to maintain the business’s market position and lay down the roadmap for future growth and expansion. The decentralization of management is another hallmark of this stage, allowing for more distributed decision-making and promoting a more hierarchical organizational structure. This decentralization often leads to more efficient operations as decisions are made closer to the operational level, where managers have a better understanding of the day-to-day challenges and opportunities.

The well-developed business systems in place at this stage contribute to the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness in managing its operations. These systems support the management in coordinating multiple activities essential for maintaining or growing the business.

The entrepreneur, at this point, should possess the mental acuity to coordinate various business activities, even though their involvement might be at a more strategic or oversight level rather than daily operations. The separation between the entrepreneur and the business underscores the evolution from a possibly entrepreneur-driven entity to an organization with a life of its own.

The transition to the Independence Stage is a testament to the business’s resilience and adaptability through the previous stages of its life cycle. It signifies a mature business capable of weathering market changes while seeking opportunities for continuous growth and innovation. This stage, therefore, is crucial for consolidating gains and positioning the business for long-term success in a competitive marketplace.

Entrepreneur Tips

For this stage I can offer the following advice.

  1. Enhance Decentralization: At this stage, it’s essential to delegate decision-making to experienced managers. This decentralization can lead to more efficient operations as decisions are made closer to the operational level. Make sure to hire competent managers and establish clear communication channels to stay informed.
  2. Foster Innovation and Intrapreneurship: Encourage an entrepreneurial culture within your organization to foster innovation. Providing opportunities for employees to engage in creative problem-solving and to propose new ideas can lead to the development of innovative products or processes.
  3. Invest in Robust Business Systems: Establishing well-developed business systems can ensure smooth operations and better coordination across various departments. Invest in technology that can automate routine processes, improve data management, and support strategic decision-making.
  4. Engage in Strategic Planning: Utilize your financial resources and managerial talent to engage in thorough operational and strategic planning. Look ahead to the long-term future of your business, identifying potential opportunities and threats in the market, and planning how to navigate them.
  5. Maintain Financial Discipline: Even with substantial financial resources, it’s crucial to maintain financial discipline to ensure the sustainability of the business. Continue to monitor your financial performance, manage your cash flow effectively, and make investment decisions that align with your long-term business strategy.

Further Reading

View the original paper here, and the blogs in this series:

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 1 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 2 – Modeling

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 4 – Existence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 5 – Survival

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 9 – Exit

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

Introduction to Stage 7 – Adaptation

Businesses which reach this stage normally have a number of factors pushing them to adapt, these are normally grounded in changes either to the micro or macro environments. Businesses at this stage will normally be entering a phase of rapid change and will have to have secured the required finances to develop. At this point key management is in place with a set of operational systems. Operational and strategic planning are now a key focus. The organisation is decentralised and, at least in part, divisionalised. The entrepreneur delegates to key managers who must be very competent to handle a growing and complex business environment. The systems, strained by growth, are becoming more refined and extensive. Both operational and strategic planning are being done and involve specific managers. The entrepreneur and the business have become reasonably separate, yet the company is still dominated by both the entrepreneur’s presence and stock control. The entrepreneur must be able to manage other investors.

Adaptation Stage Compendium

The Adaptation stage represents a crucial phase in a business’s lifecycle where the emphasis shifts towards ensuring sustainability amidst evolving market conditions. According to Blank (2013), businesses need to adopt a ‘Continuous Innovation’ approach to discover valid business ideas that align with changing customer needs and market dynamics.

The academic paper on business lifecycles underscores the importance of leveraging data analytics and customer feedback to steer the ideation process. For instance, Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, continuously adapts its business model based on customer behavior and market trends. Their introduction of Amazon Prime and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are testament to how a company can diversify and adapt to sustain growth (Kshetri, 2018).

Moreover, the proactive engagement of stakeholders is pivotal in unearthing viable business ideas. Engaging with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders helps in understanding the changing market dynamics. For instance, Adobe transitioned from selling packaged software to a cloud-based subscription model, Adobe Creative Cloud, after recognizing the market’s shift towards cloud computing (Cusumano, 2014).

Furthermore, businesses at this stage often leverage technological advancements to drive innovation. For example, Domino’s Pizza employed AI and data analytics to improve customer service and operational efficiency, which in turn helped in ideating new service models like drone delivery (Wirtz & Zeithaml, 2018).

The adaptation stage also necessitates a culture of agility and openness to change within the organization. Companies like Google and 3M encourage their employees to spend time on personal projects, which often leads to the discovery of new business ideas.

In conclusion, the adaptation stage demands a holistic approach encompassing customer engagement, stakeholder involvement, technological adoption, and a culture promoting innovation to discover valid business ideas. By embracing these practices, businesses can better align with evolving market conditions, ensuring their longevity and success.


  • Blank, S. (2013). Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything. Harvard Business Review.
  • Kshetri, N. (2018). 1 – The global cybercrime industry. In The Global Cybercrime Industry (pp. 1-22). Springer.
  • Cusumano, M. A. (2014). The Business of Software: What Every Manager, Programmer, and Entrepreneur Must Know to Thrive and Survive in Good Times and Bad. Free Press.
  • Wirtz, B. W., & Zeithaml, V. A. (2018). Cost-based Pricing. In Pricing Strategy (pp. 23-41). Springer.

Entrepreneur Tips

Here are five tips that could help entrepreneurs navigate through the Adaptation stage of their business:

  1. Continuous Learning and Market Awareness:
    • Stay updated with the latest market trends, technological advancements, and consumer preferences. Engage in continuous learning and encourage your team to do the same. Understanding the evolving market landscape is crucial for adaptation.
  2. Customer Feedback:
    • Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback to understand their evolving needs and preferences. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to your products, services, or business model.
  3. Flexible Business Model:
    • Maintain a flexible business model that can adapt to changing market conditions. Be open to pivoting your business model if necessary, to stay relevant and competitive.
  4. Invest in Technology:
    • Leverage technological advancements to improve your operations, customer service, and product offerings. Investing in technology can also provide you with valuable data and insights that can inform your adaptation strategies.
  5. Promote a Culture of Innovation:
    • Foster a culture of innovation within your organization. Encourage your team to come up with new ideas and solutions to the challenges your business may face. An innovative culture can help your business stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing market dynamics.

By following these tips, entrepreneurs can better prepare themselves and their businesses to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions and ensure sustained success.

Further Reading

View the original paper here, and the blogs in this series:

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 1 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 2 – Modeling

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 4 – Existence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 5 – Survival

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 9 – Exit

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

Introduction to Stage 6 – Success

Entrepreneurs at this stage have a number of options: capitalise on the company’s accomplishments, expand or, keep the company stable and profitable. The entrepreneur has a number of ways to capitalise, from exiting to taking a dividend from the business. If the entrepreneur wants to expand (Baum et al., 2001; Rae, 2012) then the core tasks are to make sure the basic organisation stays profitable so that it will not outrun its source of cash and, to develop managers to meet the needs of the growing organisation. Through the entrepreneurs leadership all managers within the business should now identify with the company’s future opportunities rather than its current condition demonstrating a success to its stakeholders. The entrepreneurs’ focal competency is operational and financial planning.

Success Stage Compendium

The success stage, also known as the “Take-off” or “Growth” stage in some models, is a critical phase in the lifecycle of a business. During this stage, a business has already established its position in the market and aims to expand further. The process of discovering a valid business idea continues even as the business grows. Here’s an exploration of this process in the success stage, substantiated by academic references and global examples.

  1. Market Expansion:
    • In the success stage, businesses look to expand their market reach. Companies like Airbnb and Uber exploited digital platforms to access global markets quickly (Gobble, 2018). Through market expansion, they validated the scalability of their business ideas.
  2. Product Diversification:
    • Diversification is often a sign of a successful business. Apple Inc., for instance, has continuously diversified its product range from computers to mobile devices, and now services like Apple Music and Apple TV+.
  3. Customer Feedback Loop:
    • Successful businesses establish a feedback loop with customers to iterate and improve their offerings. Amazon’s relentless focus on customer feedback is well-documented and has been a key factor in its continuous idea validation and business growth (Hallowell, 1996).
  4. Investment in Research and Development (R&D):
    • Investing in R&D is crucial for sustaining success. Companies like Samsung allocate a significant portion of their revenue to R&D to explore new business ideas and stay competitive (Lee, et al., 2019).
  5. Strategic Partnerships:
    • Forming strategic partnerships can validate and enhance a business idea. For example, Spotify’s partnerships with various record labels have been crucial for its success and continuous growth.
  6. Sustainability and Social Responsibility:
    • Businesses in the success stage often integrate sustainability and social responsibility as part of their business model. Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan is a prime example of how sustainability can be intertwined with business success (Whelan & Fink, 2016).
  7. Talent Acquisition and Retention:
    • Acquiring and retaining the right talent is essential for continuous growth and idea validation. Google’s emphasis on hiring the right people has been a cornerstone of its success.
  8. Technological Adoption and Innovation:
    • Embracing technological innovations is vital. Companies like Tesla continuously innovate by adopting the latest technologies, thereby validating and evolving their business ideas.
  9. Financial Management:
    • Sound financial management ensures that the business remains profitable and continues to grow. By achieving financial stability, businesses have more resources to explore and validate new ideas.
  10. Competitor Analysis:
    • Keeping a close eye on competitors and the market trends helps in discovering valid business ideas. Businesses can learn from the successes and failures of others.

Each of these aspects plays a significant role in the process of discovering and validating business ideas during the success stage of a business lifecycle. Through strategic actions in these areas, entrepreneurs can ensure that their businesses continue to grow and evolve in a sustainable and profitable manner.

Entrepreneur Tips

These five tips emphasize a balanced approach focusing on financial management, customer engagement, diversification, and strategic partnerships which are essential to navigating the success stage effectively. By adhering to these guidelines, entrepreneurs can continue to validate and refine their business ideas, ensuring sustained growth and success in this pivotal stage of the business lifecycle.

  1. Maintain Financial Discipline:
    • As your business grows, it’s crucial to maintain financial discipline to ensure sustainability. Monitor your cash flow, expenditures, and profitability to make well-informed financial decisions. Consider consulting with financial advisors to manage your finances effectively.
  2. Invest in Research and Development (R&D):
    • Continual investment in R&D can foster innovation and help in discovering new avenues for growth. It also aids in staying ahead of the competition and adapting to market changes. The insights gained from R&D can be invaluable in validating new business ideas and strategies.
  3. Cultivate a Customer-centric Culture:
    • Keeping a pulse on your customers’ needs and feedback is critical for ongoing success. Engage with your customers, seek their feedback, and strive to enhance their experience with your products or services. A customer-centric approach can lead to better product development and market understanding.
  4. Diversify Your Offerings:
    • Diversification can mitigate risks and open up new revenue streams. Consider exploring new markets, product lines, or services that align with your business’s core competencies. This diversification can also lead to the discovery of new, valid business ideas that can propel your business forward.
  5. Build Strategic Partnerships:
    • Forming strategic partnerships can provide access to new customers, technologies, and markets. Look for partnerships that complement your business and can lead to mutual growth. Through strategic collaborations, you can validate new business concepts and gain insights into emerging market trends.

Further Reading

View the original paper here, and the blogs in this series:

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 1 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 2 – Modeling

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 4 – Existence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 5 – Survival

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 9 – Exit

7 personality traits of a successful entrepreneur


Entrepreneurship, often hailed as the backbone of innovation and economic growth, requires a unique blend of personality traits. While the entrepreneurial journey varies for each individual, there are certain characteristics that consistently emerge as essential for success. These traits don’t just define the capability to launch a business but also to navigate the unpredictable waters of the entrepreneurial sea, adapting to failures and capitalizing on opportunities.

From the unwavering determination of Colonel Harland Sanders, who faced over a thousand rejections, to the visionary prowess of Elon Musk, the stories of renowned entrepreneurs serve as a testament to these qualities. While it’s tempting to attribute entrepreneurial successes to market conditions or groundbreaking ideas alone, it’s often the individual’s character that plays a pivotal role.

In examining the journeys of some of the world’s most iconic business figures, we can identify seven indispensable personality traits that budding entrepreneurs should cultivate.

The 7 successful entrepreneur personality traits

  1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going in the face of adversity.
    • Example: Howard Schultz of Starbucks encountered numerous bank rejections before finally securing funding.
    • Reference: Schultz, H. (1997). Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time. Hyperion.
  2. Adaptability: The skill to pivot and change direction based on market feedback or new insights.
    • Example: Reed Hastings’ Netflix transitioned from a DVD-by-mail service to streaming, revolutionizing entertainment.
    • Reference: Keating, G. (2012). Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America’s Eyeballs. Portfolio.
  3. Vision: A forward-thinking perspective, seeing beyond the present and anticipating future trends.
    • Example: Elon Musk’s ventures, such as Tesla and SpaceX, stem from his forward-looking perspective on energy and space.
    • Reference: Vance, A. (2015). Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Ecco.
  4. Determination: Unyielding commitment to one’s goals, even when faced with obstacles.
    • Example: Colonel Harland Sanders pitched his chicken recipe over 1,000 times before it was accepted.
    • Reference: Ozersky, J. (2012). Colonel Sanders and the American Dream. University of Texas Press.
  5. Risk-Management: Courage to take calculated leaps, even when the outcome is uncertain.
    • Example: Richard Branson’s diverse ventures, from airlines to space travel, epitomize his risk-taking spirit.
    • Reference: Branson, R. (1998). Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way. Crown Business.
  6. Perseverance: Consistency in efforts, undeterred by failures or slow progress.
    • Example: Thomas Edison’s countless experiments before perfecting the light bulb highlight his perseverance.
    • Reference: Baldwin, N. (2001). Edison: Inventing the Century. University of Chicago Press.
  7. Networking Ability: The talent to connect, collaborate, and build meaningful relationships in the business ecosystem.
    • Example: Oprah Winfrey’s vast network of influencers and experts across fields showcases her networking acumen.
    • Reference: Kelley, K. (2010). Oprah: A Biography. Crown Archetype.


Entrepreneurs often exhibit a set of distinctive personality traits that greatly contribute to their success. These traits — resilience, adaptability, vision, determination, risk-taking, perseverance, and networking ability — serve as foundational pillars in the realm of business. Resilience ensures they bounce back from failures, while adaptability allows them to navigate the ever-evolving market dynamics. Possessing vision equips them with a roadmap for the future, whereas determination ensures they remain focused on their goals. Risk-management emboldens them to explore uncharted territories, perseverance ensures tenacity during challenges, and networking ability helps in building strategic relationships.

These traits, when harnessed effectively, not only lead to prosperous careers and thriving businesses but also positively influence personal aspects of life. For instance, resilience can teach family members the value of perseverance; adaptability can promote a flexible mindset in the face of life’s uncertainties; and determination can inspire loved ones to pursue their passions with unwavering commitment. In essence, these entrepreneurial traits not only chart the course for business success but also foster an environment of growth, adaptability, and resilience in personal life, cultivating stronger family bonds and life satisfaction.

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

Introduction to Stage 3 – Startup

The third stage is starting the enterprise. Once the resources detailed in the business plan are mobilised the entrepreneurial process can be effected and implementation can take place. In this stage, the business may be trading or begin to research or develop a product, requiring the competency of identify and approach target markets. The aim of this stage is to have the processes in place so that the business can have a scalable, repeatable and profitable business focused on distinct customers within an identified market.

Startup Stage Compendium

In the process of business ideation, the startup stage is crucial as it embodies the transition from conceptualization to actualization. Drawing from both academic insights and real-world examples, the following discussion elucidates the process and significance of this stage.

  1. Early User Interaction: Interacting with early users is a critical aspect of the startup stage. A study highlights how early users’ preferences can significantly influence a startup’s innovation direction, implying the necessity of understanding and aligning with market needs from the outset​1​.
  2. Market Validation: At this juncture, entrepreneurs engage in market validation to ascertain the viability and demand for their business idea. For instance, Dropbox employed a simple video to gauge market interest, which resulted in a significant spike in beta sign-ups.
  3. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Developing an MVP is a quintessential step, allowing entrepreneurs to test their ideas with real users without incurring excessive costs. Notable examples include Airbnb’s initial platform or Zappos’ approach of photographing shoes from a local store to validate online demand.
  4. Feedback Loop: Establishing a feedback loop with early adopters helps in refining the business idea based on actual market responses. This iterative process is vital for continuous improvement and alignment with market demands.
  5. Pivoting: If necessary, pivoting is an avenue startups may explore to realign their business model or product offering based on learned insights. Notable examples include Twitter’s evolution from a podcasting platform to a microblogging site, and PayPal’s shift from money transfer on Palm Pilots to a web-based money transfer service.
  6. Building a Team: Assembling a team with complementary skills is essential for executing the business idea effectively. A diverse team can significantly contribute to problem-solving and innovation.
  7. Financial Management: Prudent financial management is essential to sustain operations, achieve milestones and attract further investment. Bootstrapping, crowd-funding, and seeking angel investors or venture capital are common practices at this stage.
  8. Legal Compliance and Protection: Ensuring legal compliance and protecting intellectual property are crucial to safeguard the startup from potential legal disputes and other pitfalls.
  9. Networking and Partnerships: Building a network of industry connections and forming strategic partnerships can expedite market entry and provide valuable resources and support.
  10. Learning and Adaptation: Continuous learning and adaptation to market dynamics are indispensable for sustaining growth and navigating challenges inherent in the startup journey.

Global examples like Dropbox, Airbnb, Zappos, Twitter, and PayPal exemplify how various facets of the startup stage are instrumental in refining and validating a business idea towards achieving market fit and sustainable growth. Through a blend of market validation, user engagement, feedback iteration, and sometimes pivoting, startups can significantly enhance their prospects of success and long-term viability in the competitive business landscape.

Entrepreneur Tips

Navigating through the startup stage requires a mix of preparation, flexibility, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures. Here are five tips to aid entrepreneurs in successfully maneuvering through this stage:

  1. Engage with Users Early and Often:
    • Start interacting with potential customers from day one. Use their feedback to refine your business idea, ensuring it aligns with market needs and preferences.
  2. Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP):
    • Create an MVP to test your business hypothesis with real users in a cost-effective manner. This step will help you gather valuable insights, and begin establishing a market presence without a significant upfront investment.
  3. Be Prepared to Pivot:
    • Stay open to the possibility of pivoting if initial feedback or market response suggests a different direction might be more fruitful. Pivoting can be a game-changer, as seen with successful companies like Twitter and PayPal.
  4. Assemble a Complementary Team:
    • Build a team with a diverse set of skills and experiences. A well-rounded team can significantly enhance problem-solving, creativity, and execution capabilities which are crucial during the startup phase.
  5. Maintain Financial Prudence:
    • Manage finances wisely to sustain operations and achieve crucial milestones. Explore various funding options like bootstrapping, crowdfunding, or seeking investments from angel investors or venture capitalists, but ensure to maintain a lean operation to extend your runway.

These tips are structured to promote a lean approach, customer-centric mentality, and a conducive team environment, all of which are pivotal in navigating the intricacies and challenges inherent in the startup stage. By adhering to these guidelines, entrepreneurs can enhance their ability to validate their business idea effectively, adapt to market dynamics, and set a solid foundation for subsequent growth and success.

Further Reading

View the original paper here, and the blogs in this series:

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 1 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 2 – Modeling

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 3 – Startup

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 4 – Existence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 5 – Survival

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 6 – Discovery

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 7 – Adaptation

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 8 – Independence

9 Stages of Enterprise Creation: Stage 9 – Exit